The Big E is the greatest ongoing story Paducah has going right now. Bhupinder Singh has a tighter grip on the fiscal jubliees of this City via the Quilter's complainin' about his cheapass hotel that it is unbelievable. He's like a one man tribe to our City Commission's collective Custer. It's amazing.
But it keeps getting better. Mayor Paxton asked a guy from out of town to come in and buy the Big E in from Bhupy and tear it down and build a fancy new joint. Well, he bailed out when local cashmagnate Ronnie James ponied up the bullion to build a hotel because its a well known fact that Ronnie has always wanted to play Monopoly in real life. This cat from Springfield, Missouri didn't just bail out though. He called the local HQIC of Quilt Kingdom and axed if they would like to move the quilt off to Springfield, where he owns a hotel and convention center. Ain't our mayor great? In the name of economic development he brings in an out of town vulcher who not only does not accomplish getting the Big E out of the hands of the man who's so cheap his turbin is made from a towel stolen from his own hotel, but he then tries to steal the biggest tourist attraction and money making things this one-quilt town has to offer. Can you imagine, Quilt City USA 200 and however many miles away from Springfield Missouri where the Quilt Show is! Four more years! Fuck that. That fewl shouldn't get four more hours. I mean, what in the hell.
As of today's Republican Sun Always Rises, Bhupy is allegedly turning over control of the Sleazy E to something called Space Coast Hospitality. I guess the Sleazy E is going to be run by that guy who has the talk show that wears the black mask, cape and the white suit. Spaceghost or whatever plans to convert 195 rooms near the convention center to a Crowne Plaza Hotel. That's a fancy version of a Holiday Inn. The rest of the hotel, which will be about 260 rooms, will not be fancy enough to be called Crowne Plaza, so it will be called a regular old Holiday Inn, and it will have a "proposed" water park. The service will apparently suck so it won't be called Holiday Inn Express so keep that in mind people. Remember, I'm always looking out fer ye! I'm like Ralph Nader with a computer only a lot less worried about the Corvere. Although LeCars did worry me. Hey, is Nader that stuff that chics use to get rid of hair? Get back to me on that.
It apparently is going to take a company from outter space to turn the Sleazy E into something we can all be proud of. The E is so sleazy, that it has to be made into two hotels. Its so shitty, it can only be made into 195 really nice rooms and 260 nice rooms. What is the deal with that? They don't want to throw in a little extra alien dough and make it a total Crowne Plaza? Why make the Sleazy E into two different hotels owned by the same intergalactic company? I wonder if you look of Space Coast Hospitality on the Kentucky Secretary of State website if you'll find that they are a foreign corporation originally registered out of Mars. What is a "proposed" water park? The water park has asked another water park to marry it? The water park is in the planning stage but that's it? Either you're putting it or ye ain't? Slide or get off the water park for heaven's sake!
I'll close with this, "I'm so horny, the crack of dawn better keep an eye on me." Is that great or what? I love that line. Tom Waits said that. My dad threw it out the other day when we were talking about how funny he is. Listen to the song of his called Pasties and G-String. Step Right Up is also great and has some great lines. Read the liner notes to the disc that it is on. Good stuff. My Topamax has kicked in or I'd tell you the name of the album.
....I'm just sayin'.....
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
"Re"Investigating a murder and the James boy sees fit to buy himself another gym!
Headline in the Republican Sun Always Rises today was that the local powers that are have apparently decided to "re"investigate the death of Dr. Shemwell. I don't know whether that is reassuring or scary. I mean this cat died like over two years ago and now the powers that still currently is have finally decided to do something about it.
I'm not Creskin. I'm not Nostradamus. I never even dialed that black chick with the fake Jamaican accent named Miss Cleo before the Feds shut her down but I couldn't told you she was more fake than the third nipple on the chick you picked up at the Jersey City Tri County Fair. But anyway, my point in all this is, the article in our local rag ran the obligatory picture of Dr. Shemwell's surgically enhanced widowed Penny Baird Shemwell. Felonious shoplifter handgun big hair attorney hirin bad dye job havin chic she may be, she has not been charged with murder. However, that's all that has been insinuated by the Paducah Police Department and the McCracken County Commonwealth Attorney for the past year. Grand jury meetings and the subjects of their investigations are secret, yet when the Shemwell case was being investigated, the Sun knew it, and it was covered by them and WPSDTV. How did the media know this? There's only one source for this information. Who is that source? Who would have a vested interest in prosecuting the murderer of doctor? Who would have a vested interest in prosecuting the murderer of a doctor who stole a bunch of cash from a blue blood Paducah family? Mmmmm?
Why is Dr. Shemwell's murder just now being "reinvestigated"? How in the hell do you reinvestigate a murder? I'm pretty sure he's still dead. Do you start by recalling his family to tell them the bad news and freaking them out all over again? I doubt they'd like to be "recalled" with that news some year later as a part of your "reinvestigation". You think they drive back by his house to see if Oscar and Jane Gamble are still remodeling it? The whole concept of this story being spun as a reinvestigation a couple of years into it really plays poorly for the investigators because it makes seem like they got nowhere and had to start over from square one. I've never thought that was the case. I've always surmised they had a theory and were either waiting on a crucial piece of evidence or they had no piece of evidence conclusively linking one person to the crime and were waiting for one person to "finger" another, hence the the grand jury subpoenas and the attempts to make those fewls testify.
If you own a Solo Flex and it is near a window be careful because Jeff James will probably see you working out and bowl up into your house and make you an offer to buy you out. That fewl apparently has more cash then he knows what to dew with. I went to school with him and have always nude he had dough but I never nude he could throw it around like he was our town's version of Bill Gates. His dad is building a hotel to but the Dot not Feather owner of the Big E out of Buitness, while owning James Marine and all its subsidiaries and Jeff owns Energy Fitness and develops land and all kinds of other gear and now he swoops in and buys Baptists Family Fitness because, if you read the article, he's bored with it and wants to tear it down apprently. Kudos to you Jeff James. Good show ole boy.
....I'm just say'n......
I'm not Creskin. I'm not Nostradamus. I never even dialed that black chick with the fake Jamaican accent named Miss Cleo before the Feds shut her down but I couldn't told you she was more fake than the third nipple on the chick you picked up at the Jersey City Tri County Fair. But anyway, my point in all this is, the article in our local rag ran the obligatory picture of Dr. Shemwell's surgically enhanced widowed Penny Baird Shemwell. Felonious shoplifter handgun big hair attorney hirin bad dye job havin chic she may be, she has not been charged with murder. However, that's all that has been insinuated by the Paducah Police Department and the McCracken County Commonwealth Attorney for the past year. Grand jury meetings and the subjects of their investigations are secret, yet when the Shemwell case was being investigated, the Sun knew it, and it was covered by them and WPSDTV. How did the media know this? There's only one source for this information. Who is that source? Who would have a vested interest in prosecuting the murderer of doctor? Who would have a vested interest in prosecuting the murderer of a doctor who stole a bunch of cash from a blue blood Paducah family? Mmmmm?
Why is Dr. Shemwell's murder just now being "reinvestigated"? How in the hell do you reinvestigate a murder? I'm pretty sure he's still dead. Do you start by recalling his family to tell them the bad news and freaking them out all over again? I doubt they'd like to be "recalled" with that news some year later as a part of your "reinvestigation". You think they drive back by his house to see if Oscar and Jane Gamble are still remodeling it? The whole concept of this story being spun as a reinvestigation a couple of years into it really plays poorly for the investigators because it makes seem like they got nowhere and had to start over from square one. I've never thought that was the case. I've always surmised they had a theory and were either waiting on a crucial piece of evidence or they had no piece of evidence conclusively linking one person to the crime and were waiting for one person to "finger" another, hence the the grand jury subpoenas and the attempts to make those fewls testify.
If you own a Solo Flex and it is near a window be careful because Jeff James will probably see you working out and bowl up into your house and make you an offer to buy you out. That fewl apparently has more cash then he knows what to dew with. I went to school with him and have always nude he had dough but I never nude he could throw it around like he was our town's version of Bill Gates. His dad is building a hotel to but the Dot not Feather owner of the Big E out of Buitness, while owning James Marine and all its subsidiaries and Jeff owns Energy Fitness and develops land and all kinds of other gear and now he swoops in and buys Baptists Family Fitness because, if you read the article, he's bored with it and wants to tear it down apprently. Kudos to you Jeff James. Good show ole boy.
....I'm just say'n......
Monday, June 9, 2008
Democrats prefer biracial dudes to chics, my dad and I are going to the Bronx and steer clear of the BLT unless you have death wish!
Who would have thunk that Democrats would have came out of the elephant closet and openly admitted that they prefer seemingly bi-racial dudes with rather long Tim Burton animated-movie-like-fingers to suit-pant-wearin-serial-adulterees? Well, the 2008 Democratic Primary was an acid test for such and it turned out to be some good shit. While we're on the subject of Billary and Obama, a friend of mine claims that Obama is Muslim because his middle name is Hussein. O.K. and Harry Truman was an English teacher because his middle name was S? You're middle is simply that, a name. It's not an affiliation or association. I mean, if his name of Barack Mason of the 32nd Rite Obama or something like that I could see your point. Or, John FLDS McCain, then you've got something to worry about. Incidentilly, if indeed that is the incorrect spelling, isn't the name of that church in Texas where they stole all the kids from those unibrowed Mormon chicks also the initials of either that flower company or that feminine hygiene spray? I can't remember which? I mean, Merlin Olsen floggin flowers or somebody walking down the beach reminding me of their not feeling so fresh always comes to mind when I hear that FLDS or whatever it actually is. By the way.... have you ever seen so many chicks with buns in their hair wearing denim dresses in one place? I mean, when I saw the footage of the "compound" I thought I was watching something from Ted Turner's colorized classics or some shit. I can't believe there are people still living in the 00's that dress like that. I'll bet dollars to doughnuts there's seperate beds in each room for the husband and all his wives. Also, if you have something that is referred to as a "compound" and footage of it is ever beeing broadcast on CNN it ain't good, the feds are comin. I think that's the first step towards any type of fanaticism is refererring to your base of operations as a "compound". Whenever your quit going home and start going to the "compound", your a nut. The IRS should put that question on tax forms to start nipping some of this shit in the bud. Just put like a high school check "yes" or "no" box if you have a compound question on tax returns and then audit anyone who says they have a compound and then raid anyone who has a compound and I bet crime would decrease dramatically. Or, at the very least, the media coverage of raids of these compounds would.
But back to politics, what's the gig with not having enough experience to be president? How in the hell do you get experience to be president unless you're president? It's like saying you won't be any good at dying because you've never done it before. Well no fucking thanks. You never know if someone is going to be a good president until they get on the job. No matter what all the charts, graphs, bloodtests, farmer's almanacs and D.C. madames say, there is simply no way to know until the phewl gets the job and does it. Being V.P. isn't the same as being the main man. It's a whole separate set of responsibilities and people to lie to, including the V.P.
Teddy Kennedy had his gourd carved on. Wourd is they had to use a forklift to get that thing up on the table. Had to bring in a drill from a cole mine to burr into his noggin. I joke because I kid. I hope TK pulls through. He's fought off a bridge, a plane crash, the curse of his last name, many a venereal disease, the bottle, priests (I'm assuming) and now he's battlin' the Big C. Good luck to you Teddy. You know The Hub sent him flowers.
My wife and my momma purchased tickets for me and my pops to go see the Yankees play the Red Sox for the final series in Yankee Stadium. Yankee Stadium closes its doors after the 08 Season. My dad and I have always dreamed about going to Yankee Stadium but have never had the opportunity. We talked about planning a trip this year but never got around to it. Apparently, my wife and mother conspired to purchase tickets, airfare and a hotel room for the series which also happens to coincide with that dad's 60th birthday. My dad has been a Yankee fan for his entire career which explains why I'm a militant Yankee fan as well because they sucked for the majority of my adult life. Whereas they were great when he was growing up in the 50's, I was privy to the hey day of the likes of such Yankee "greats" as Ron Kittle, Dale Berra, Ed Whitson and Mike Pagliarulo. They weren't good til I was in college. We were given this gift for Father's Day along with two Yankee embroidered carry-on size bags. We will certainly be two hick Yankee fans traveling in style.
From what I understand, the Bronx is a demilitarized zone. I think it is all bunkers, barbed wire and people shooting at each other. I envision Escape from New York. I've got on the internet and tried to find the phone number for Snake Plisken. My mother has already warned us not to get killed and to "come back alive". An uncle of mine told us that we "couldn't get there from the airport". I'm not sure what that means. Maybe I can call one of the 55,000 plus from the game the night before and ask them how to get to the stadium?
I'm sure we'll go check out Monument Park and go look at the Stadium the first day we're there. But honestly, there are two main things about the whole trip. Number 1, my wife and mother cared enough about my dad and I to send us to a place that we both have wanted to go our entire lives that means a great deal to us that is not going to exist in another year and that is very special. Number 2, my dad and I will get to spend a lot of time together doing what we do best for what might be the last time ever with just the two of us and that is simply talking, drinking beer and watching the Yankees. At its very core, that's something that me and that idiot have always had in common and always will and because of how busy I am and because I have my own family now we don't really get a chance to do it any more and, we both understand that and, very soon, my son will be doing it with us, which is a good thing. So, this will be very very special.
I thought killer tomatoes was just that ignorant movie from the 80's but apparently Mickey D's was so paranoid about Sal Manilla running around in their versions of the fruit that they quit floggin' em today. There's a gajillion ways to go out but if I got kilt by a fucking tomato I'd be chapped. Can you imagine waiting in line, whether it was to get into heaven or hell, and explaining to those in line with you that you got taken out by a tomato?
(railroad tie through his head)Guy #1: Hey man, what happened to you?
(ketchup on your face) You: Uh, what do mean?
Guy#1: How did you die?
You: What do you mean, die?
(holding one leg, missing half face) Girl#1: Oh, come on, what killed you dude?
(trying to wipe ketchup off face) You: Nothing killed me. I was just eating a BLT.
Guy#1: A train derailed and a tie hit me. Something happened to you. A sandwhich couldn't have killed you. What happened?
Girl#1: Yeah, well, maybe he choked on it! Did you choke on it? I was eaten by a bear.
You: (looking embarassed) I'm not dead. I don't know what you're talking about. Just leave me alone.
Condiments can kill. If you fill a condom with ketchup I wonder if that will increase the odds of birth control?
....I'm just sayin.....
But back to politics, what's the gig with not having enough experience to be president? How in the hell do you get experience to be president unless you're president? It's like saying you won't be any good at dying because you've never done it before. Well no fucking thanks. You never know if someone is going to be a good president until they get on the job. No matter what all the charts, graphs, bloodtests, farmer's almanacs and D.C. madames say, there is simply no way to know until the phewl gets the job and does it. Being V.P. isn't the same as being the main man. It's a whole separate set of responsibilities and people to lie to, including the V.P.
Teddy Kennedy had his gourd carved on. Wourd is they had to use a forklift to get that thing up on the table. Had to bring in a drill from a cole mine to burr into his noggin. I joke because I kid. I hope TK pulls through. He's fought off a bridge, a plane crash, the curse of his last name, many a venereal disease, the bottle, priests (I'm assuming) and now he's battlin' the Big C. Good luck to you Teddy. You know The Hub sent him flowers.
My wife and my momma purchased tickets for me and my pops to go see the Yankees play the Red Sox for the final series in Yankee Stadium. Yankee Stadium closes its doors after the 08 Season. My dad and I have always dreamed about going to Yankee Stadium but have never had the opportunity. We talked about planning a trip this year but never got around to it. Apparently, my wife and mother conspired to purchase tickets, airfare and a hotel room for the series which also happens to coincide with that dad's 60th birthday. My dad has been a Yankee fan for his entire career which explains why I'm a militant Yankee fan as well because they sucked for the majority of my adult life. Whereas they were great when he was growing up in the 50's, I was privy to the hey day of the likes of such Yankee "greats" as Ron Kittle, Dale Berra, Ed Whitson and Mike Pagliarulo. They weren't good til I was in college. We were given this gift for Father's Day along with two Yankee embroidered carry-on size bags. We will certainly be two hick Yankee fans traveling in style.
From what I understand, the Bronx is a demilitarized zone. I think it is all bunkers, barbed wire and people shooting at each other. I envision Escape from New York. I've got on the internet and tried to find the phone number for Snake Plisken. My mother has already warned us not to get killed and to "come back alive". An uncle of mine told us that we "couldn't get there from the airport". I'm not sure what that means. Maybe I can call one of the 55,000 plus from the game the night before and ask them how to get to the stadium?
I'm sure we'll go check out Monument Park and go look at the Stadium the first day we're there. But honestly, there are two main things about the whole trip. Number 1, my wife and mother cared enough about my dad and I to send us to a place that we both have wanted to go our entire lives that means a great deal to us that is not going to exist in another year and that is very special. Number 2, my dad and I will get to spend a lot of time together doing what we do best for what might be the last time ever with just the two of us and that is simply talking, drinking beer and watching the Yankees. At its very core, that's something that me and that idiot have always had in common and always will and because of how busy I am and because I have my own family now we don't really get a chance to do it any more and, we both understand that and, very soon, my son will be doing it with us, which is a good thing. So, this will be very very special.
I thought killer tomatoes was just that ignorant movie from the 80's but apparently Mickey D's was so paranoid about Sal Manilla running around in their versions of the fruit that they quit floggin' em today. There's a gajillion ways to go out but if I got kilt by a fucking tomato I'd be chapped. Can you imagine waiting in line, whether it was to get into heaven or hell, and explaining to those in line with you that you got taken out by a tomato?
(railroad tie through his head)Guy #1: Hey man, what happened to you?
(ketchup on your face) You: Uh, what do mean?
Guy#1: How did you die?
You: What do you mean, die?
(holding one leg, missing half face) Girl#1: Oh, come on, what killed you dude?
(trying to wipe ketchup off face) You: Nothing killed me. I was just eating a BLT.
Guy#1: A train derailed and a tie hit me. Something happened to you. A sandwhich couldn't have killed you. What happened?
Girl#1: Yeah, well, maybe he choked on it! Did you choke on it? I was eaten by a bear.
You: (looking embarassed) I'm not dead. I don't know what you're talking about. Just leave me alone.
Condiments can kill. If you fill a condom with ketchup I wonder if that will increase the odds of birth control?
....I'm just sayin.....
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