Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A daughter and father-in-law bond Ford tough

Today was a David Banner moment in the history of me father's relationship with me wife. Oh yeah, nothing says "I finally see what me boy see's in ye" like a daughter-in-law loaning her father-in-law cash to purchase a tractor. Insert Green Acres theme hear.

Not that my dad and wife haven't gotten a long during our marriage. They do get along and I genuinely believe they love each other. I ain't gonna lie and say its more "I really love you" than "I have to love you because you married my son and bored me a grandbaby" love, but there's some actual feelings in there. Their arguments are just galactic in nature, involve harsh statements that neither of them mean and are usually followed by a swift gathering up of one's things, racing to the auto and peeling out to head home.

Butt, back to the ass at hand, it was a kewl moment when my wife - without request - offered to pull the duckets out of her "hoardin' dough for a potential second yute fund" to help my father realize a dream that he's had since his friends told him he needed a tractor ten years ago. I mean, ever since he became aware that he absolutely had to have a piece of machinery that he had no idea how to use, he's wanted it. He's even waxed postalsophically about the day he gets to give Uncle Sam the ole' Smith Syanrara (insert proper spelling and gong sound hear along with picture of a fist with the middle finger extended) because he will get a check for his sick days that would, in his estimate, pay for a tractor. Well, he didn't have quit his job or flip anyone off because me lovely bride ponied up the samoleons to make his dream come true.

And let's not forget the other two major players in the saga. Bruncle Bo and Bruncle Hunk. I call them Bruncles because - like all my dad's friends - I've known them seemingly my whole career and they're like brothers to me, yet - because of the age and life experience difference - they've got an uncle vibe to them. Bruncle Bo looked over the rig last weekend and gave it his initial swill of approval. Bruncle Bo consulted with Bruncle Hunk and determined the price was fair. They both appeared with my father tonight to purchase the rig and Bruncle Hunk drove it down the highway to its new home, the Talibarn. A guy couldn't ask for two better bruncles.

The only question left to answer is, what kind of beer do you put in a tractor?

And I like to wish my wife a very happy birthday. It's a number she don't dig but I ain't keepin' score. I love her no matter what (tear, sniffle, werd).

I'm just sayin.........

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