Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dew I knowed ewe?

It is a galatically weird experience to run into a good friend of your's at lunch, during the week, when you are at lunch with another work-related good friend and your good friend is out eating with their work-realted good friends. It ain't as if you've done the nasty and are trying to avoid that awkward post-pork eye contact at werk. It's more like a "I can't believe you're with him/her" type sentiment. Not that either of ewe contemplated caloric intake at the same eatery, or even owe one another the gratitude of clearing such plans. You don't even have a clue or any issues with who your friend be gettin' their eat on with. It's just that, when you're good friends with someone, you almost feel as though you're a spurned high school friend when you see them out with other people and can't talk to them because (a) you're in public and (b) both of you have other peeps you need to tend to.

It's all guilt related. You think the other person is kewl and dig hanging out with them. They seem to be of the same opinion. You're with a good friend who also ingresses and egresses in the same vernacular as yourself, i.e. has the same job. You're friend is parlayin' the same way and running things with their main werk honkeys. Then, like a booger you forgot was on yo finger, you're both there, out in the open, in front of everyone. Your friend knows that he/she is your friend. Their friend(s) know that you're their friend's friend. Suddenly, not only do you feel as though you should apologize and order flowers, their friends are feeling weird about not telling your friend(s) that yall were going out to eat lunch. It's a viscious cycle that makes less since than a banker with gout. Even I have no idear what that means.

Hear be the solution. Get over it. Conversate as much as yall decide. Don't worry about it. Sure, you may be better friends out of the professional scenarioid, but yall didn't ride there together and your friends don't want to hear your friend bitch about their job any more than your friend's friends want to hear you bitch about your job. If there is any bitchin' at lunch, it needs to be in a lingo that all those listening can comprehend, i.e. if you've got to have a decoder ring to figger out what your rants mean, you need to move to a different table.

Lunch is too freakin' short to add drama into the mix. You've got an hour, hour and a half at most. You shouldn't waste any of the potentially only free time you've got all day over any bullshit. Whether you're eating or not, you should try to get the most stress free time out of your lunch hour. Start by saying "werd" and "I'll call you later" to any homies from different werk sectors that you encounter and go on with it.

I think Rodney King said it best when he utterred, "Can't we all just eat alone?"

I'm just sayin......

1 comment:

MCD said...

That's so funny...and right on. I saw my brother's girlfriend at lunch one day, and the same thing happened. It's a strange dynamic.